Rapid Web Applications With TurboGears


TurboGears harnesses the power of Python to provide a dynamic and easy-to-use Web development framework: one that dramatically increases developer productivity, and makes it far easier to create dynamic, user-friendly, Ajax-enabled Web applications. Now, for the first time, there's a definitive guide to TurboGears coauthored by its creator, Kevin Dangoor.
This book will help experienced Web developers get productive with TurboGearsfast. You'll quickly build your first TurboGears Web applicationthen extend it one step at a time, mastering the underlying libraries that make these enhancements possible. Next, the authors demonstrate TurboGears at work in a real-world application, by examining the code for "WhatWhat Status," an open source project status tracking application. Finally, you'll gain deep insight into the model, view, and controller technologies TurboGears is built upon: knowledge that will help you build far more robust and capable
Python applications.
Coverage includes anderstanding the architecture of a TurboGears application Mastering SQLObject, customizing it, and using it with TurboGears models Utilizing TurboGears view technologies, including dynamic templates and MochiKit for Ajax Bringing CSS, XHTML, and JavaScript together in reusable components with TurboGears Widgets Using CherryPy and TurboGears controller technologies: from decorators to deployment Exploring the TurboGears toolbox.

Введение в Zope3


Автор: Суханов Владимир Иванович
Для понимания материала данного пособия читателю необходимо знать основы языка Питон и HTML, общие принципы организации вэб серверов и сервисов. Остальной материал будет изложен по мере необходимости. Основные справочные материалы по языку Питон версии 2.4 приведены в приложении.

Книга Zope


Эта книга - о том, как создавать веб-приложения при помощи Zope. Мы ожидаем, что она заинтересует как текущих пользователей Zope, так и тех, кто только приступает к Zope.
Для понимания этой книги не требуется быть программистом. Желательно иметь общие понятия о том, как работает веб, плюс элементарное представление о том, что такое HTML и URL, а также о том, как взаимодействуют между собой веб-сервер и веб-браузер. Некоторые разделы книги затрагивают более сложные темы, такие как связь с реляционными базами данных, скриптинг и XML.

Zope Document Template Markup Language Reference


The Zope Document Template Markup Language (DTML) is a facility for generating textual information using a template document and application information stored in Zope. It is used in Zope primarily to generate Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files, but it can also be used to create other types of textual information. For example, it is used to generate Structured Query Language (SQL) commands in Zope SQL Methods.

Zope Bible


This comprehensive Bible for Web Developers, Web Architects, and Content Managers covers everything you need to build Web sites with Zope, the Open Source Web application platform. Creator: John Wiley & Sons; Book and CD-ROM edition; 01.04.2002 , Version: ISBN: 0764548573

Text Processing


Автор: David Mertz
Издательство: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1ST edition (June 2, 2003) | ISBN-10: 0321112547 | PDF | 2,7 M

Text Processing in Python is an example-driven, hands-on tutorial that carefully teaches programmers how to accomplish numerous text processing tasks using the Python language. Filled with concrete examples, this book provides efficient and effective solutions to specific text processing problems and practical strategies for dealing with all types of text processing challenges. Text Processing in Python begins with an introduction to text processing and contains a quick Python tutorial to get you up to speed. It then delves into essential text processing subject areas, including string operations, regular expressions, parsers and state machines, and Internet tools and techniques. Appendixes cover such important topics as data compression and Unicode. A comprehensive index and plentiful cross-referencing offer easy access to available information. In addition, exercises throughout the book provide readers with further opportunity to hone their skills either on their own or in the classroom.